Resonating Voices

A series inspired by ear tags used in farm animals. These tags, resembling human earrings, serve the purpose of tracking animal health and facilitating selective breeding. However, they represent more than just personal adornments; they symbolize the issue of speciesism.

In this series, we transform animal ear tags into jewellery to explore animal rights and the human-animal relationship. We acknowledge the evident power dynamics between humans and animals, with animals often being viewed as mere commodities rather than sentient beings with emotions and individuality.

By transforming identification markers into symbols of physical value, we aim to raise awareness about animal rights. These jewellery pieces challenge the limitations of speciesism, allowing us to immerse ourselves in animals' lived experiences and genuinely empathize with their feelings. Through this series, we seek to encourage individuals to surpass the boundaries of speciesism, considering themselves as part of a broader food chain and extending empathy and compassion to our animal companions.

This collection not only strives to raise awareness about animal rights but also delves into the emotional connection between humans and animals. This series intends to stimulate discussions on the ethical treatment of animals, prompting introspection regarding our attitudes and behaviors towards them.

We aim to evoke emotional resonance in viewers, guiding them to perceive the world from an animal's perspective. This emotional connection can inspire individuals to reflect on how we treat animals and motivate them to seek more sustainable and ethical solutions.

This collection also advocate for the fashion industry's transition towards sustainability and ethics. By utilizing existing ear tags, we reduce the demand for new materials while promoting values that prioritize animal welfare in the design and production processes.

We hope that this collection sparks contemplation and change, fostering a society that values animal welfare and transcends speciesist boundaries. Let us view ourselves as integral parts of a broader food chain and work collectively towards a more just and equitable world.

Creative Director
Sara Chyan

Art Director
Gene Chen

Assistant Jewellery Designer

Haiyi Wang

Simon Kogutt 


Photo list