
Today, while scientific modernity has brought so-called modernity to our civilization, it has also deprived us of our primitive perceptions. We no longer dance around the campfire with mud on our faces like primitive tribes. By examining our language and civilization in the context of a re-criticism of the senses, we can see the multidimensional images and diversity of the distant future, no longer obsessed with the grand unified theory of physics, and no longer obsessed with using language to establish a scientific scale to explain everything. We should critically examine the narrowness of ourselves, modern civilization, and empiricism relative to the distant future. What kind of existence are people beyond the future and civilization beyond posthumanity? Do they still have the will to survive like us? These questions point to the endless exploration in the vastness of the universe - existence and time. Perhaps, the endless pursuit is the meaning of our own existence. 

Haiyi Wang

Fashion Designer 
Qihang Sun

Headwear Designer
Yiyun Peng


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